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2022 Christmas Minis | Indiana Family Christmas Photos w/ Classic Car or Earthy Xmas Studio Set

Updated: Jan 4, 2023

indiana christmas card mini photo sessions near me, little girl holds christmas sign reading merry christmas infront of a ladder chrsitmas tree and 1955 Red Bel Air, Santa's favorite ride, sessions shot by Hashtag Memories Photography

Helping You Create those Magic Holiday Memories

If you're a Momma or your simply in charge of your family's social calendar you already know that "The Most Magical Time of Year" doesn't happen by accident. (ha!) It takes a lot of planning to pull it off and Sis, I'm rooting for you!

With school now officially in and the calendar filling back up with spots activities, holiday plans, Christmas vacations and the works - it's also time to starting thinking about scheduling those #FamilyChristmasCard photos.

Indiana's weather being w

hat it is (h-e-l-l-o minute by pressure system changes) I've found the best time to shoot OUTSIDE CHRISTMAS MINIS in in October, when we can more accurately avoid rain outs or cold snaps.

And I can hear you now... "But girl - how can I only roll out the outdoor mini option when you MIGHT want to do the INSIDE set instead... if you only knew what it was going to look like!" Yeah that's me too. But...

I've got you with TWO choices this year!

So we're rolling it ALL out. All of it! The warm, cozy earthy indoor #christmasminis at our studio AND the traditional outdoor #christmasphotosessions with Santa's 1955 Bel Air (aka. a really freakin' awesome fire engine red vintage car) all at one time!

So grab those cute Christmas jimmies you've been stalking on Insta or those stylish family outfits and let's do this!

I can't wait for you to see! EEK!

Indoor Christmas Minis Near Me, little girl stands on white textured bed surrounded by fuzzy pillows and christmas gifts. she holds a teady bear in her arm and is putting a silver orpiment on a well dressed earthy Christmas tree. Sessions shot in central indiana by hashtag memories photography

Indoor Studio Christmas Mini 2022

#ChristmasCardPhotos In The Studio for Christmas Minis 2022

Tipton, Indiana | November Session Dates

Outside Christmas Mini 2022

#ChristmasMinis With Santa's 1955 Classic Car & Classic Holiday Vibes in Noblesville, Indiana

Want to save your spot? Christmas Mini sessions go live to the public Friday, September 15th @ 12noon EST.

button to book a christmas mini with hashtag memories photography in central indiana

Didn't get early VIP access this time?

Hey You... Let's Be Friends, K?!

Hey there - I'm Chelsea! A coffee worshipping Hoosier native, just trying to raise a kiddo and capture vivid memories in central IN for my families & brides. To see more of our work, make sure to FOLLOW us on Facebook and Instagram & sign up for our VIP club to get first dibs on open session date! Curious about me? Dive into my story of how I flushed my comfortable Fortune 500 Marketing Career to take on the life of a SMB owner at HashTag Memories Photography!

Or maybe the idea of photos stresses you out? Check out this blog post where I get REAL about how shooting a session of my own kiddo taught me how to help YOU mitigate Mommy Session Stress - or this one where we share basic planning tips & FAQs to help set you up for success on your next shoot.


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