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2023 Christmas Minis | Indiana Family, Kiddo & Couple's Holiday Minis | Outdoors & Studio Options

white christmas trees sit behind boho vintage wooden bench with merry christmas sign infront on a photoshoot set for family, toddler and couples christmas minis in central indiana

Eeeek! Sis - I'm so excited to get to share our 2023 Christmas Minis with you, to help you celebrate the good tidings, hot coco and hope-filled jolly days as the count down kicks off on the Season.

What's that, that Nat King Cole said... "Everybody knows, a turkey and some mistletoe help to make the season bright"

Well babe, turkey day is just around the corner and I for one can not wait! No seriously... my mother-in-law makes the BEST gravey you'll ever eat! Yummmm!

But back to it...

Every momma, sister and friend knows that full tummies and warm hearts make for amazing thanksgiving memories BUT midnight Friday, Nov 24th, all hell breaks loose and the all out MARATHON to Christmas beings.

And yes, I did say "Momma, sister and friend"...but let's be honest, I mean anyone who is the MAIN planner, gift buyer and holiday-make-it-happen-person in their home. (If you don't know what I'm talking about... it's not you). lol.

But... before all that sets in... why not slow down a minute and breathe it in. Capture it for the holidays to come. Freeze time forever and celebrate those kiddos asking Santa for some new front teeth...or those little hands that will be experiencing their first of everything this year? Or maybe it's those tall lengthy kiddos who just keep growing like a weed when only 7 years ago, they were snuggled up on your chest keeping warm.

Let this year be the year momma! I honesty, I can't wait to help you capture and savor it all. Every. Blessed. Moment. Of. It. Check it out -

Outside Christmas Mini 2023

Shot Sunday, November 12th | Tipton, Indiana

Indoor Studio Christmas Mini 2023

Holiday Minis In The Studio

Shot Sunday, December 3rd | Tipton, Indiana

snowy trees with beautifully dressed bed surrounded by christmas items on a photoshoot set for family, toddler and couples christmas minis in central indianawhite christmas trees sit behind boho vintage wooden bench with merry christmas sign infront on a photoshoot set for family, toddler and couples christmas minis in central indiana

Want more details or interested in booking a spot?

button to book a christmas mini with hashtag memories photography in central indiana

Hey You... Let's Be Friends, K?!

Hey there - I'm Chelsea! A coffee worshipping Hoosier native, just trying to raise a kiddo and capture vivid memories in central IN for my families & brides. To see more of our work, make sure to FOLLOW us on Facebook and Instagram & sign up for our VIP club to get first dibs on open session date! Curious about me? Dive into my story of how I flushed my comfortable Fortune 500 Marketing Career to take on the life of a SMB owner at HashTag Memories Photography!

Or maybe the idea of photos stresses you out? Check out this blog post where I get REAL about how shooting a session of my own kiddo taught me how to help YOU mitigate Mommy Session Stress - or this one where we share basic planning tips & FAQs to help set you up for success on your next shoot.

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