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Under The Willow Trees, Sunrise Family Session in Carmel, Indiana | Sweet Baby Strole On The Grow

family pose for photo at coxhall gardens under willow tree, navy & yellow outfit ideas

Bright and early on a sleepy Sunday morning, I meet up with the Strole Family over a GIANT cup of coffee and some kiddo snuggles for a sunrise family session at Coxhall Gardens (a seemingly popular spot for our clients right now - ha).

Knowing that sweet baby Corbin would be perkier in the morning...

Mom and I opted to bite the bullet and meet bright and early to capture this sweet little squish at his best and Sis, did it pay off. Corby was in great spirits when we got started and I got to see an old spot with new eyes - under a sunrise sky.

Seriously, look at that face... isn't he sweet? In a little less then a year (see his baby session here), this little guy has grown so much. I laugh however, as I write this, because despite little Corbin here starting to grow into his own, one thing still very much remains -- he still LOVES mom's necklaces. NOTHING except, perhaps a granola bar could even compete... but you know what, I'm okay with that!

baby held by mom and dad, under willow tree at coxhall gardens by hashtag memories photography

baby boy snuggled by dad in navy and yellow outfits

baby milestone session held by daddy in indianapolis, in

And sure, I don't know what the rest of this year will hold ...

for this sweet family, but I'll tell you what - I sure hope next year, this little charmer is still sporting those baby cheeks. Between those bright eyes and boyish smile he's on track to take the world by storm. Don't ya think?

baby boy in navy and yellow held by mom during family photos
family photo mom and dad snuggle baby boy in yellow and blue outfits, indianapolis photographer
Mom, one more snack... please?

Hey You... Let's Be Friends, K?!

Hey there - I'm Chelsea! A coffee worshiping Hoosier native, just trying to raise a kiddo and capture vivid memories in central IN for my families & brides. To see more of our work, make sure to FOLLOW us on Facebook and Instagram & sign up for our VIP club to get first dibs on open session date! Curious about me? Dive into my story of how I flushed my comfortable Fortune 500 Marketing Career to take on the life of a SMB owner at HashTag Memories Photography!

Or maybe the idea of photos is stress you out? Check out this blog post where I get REAL about how shooting a session of my own kiddo taught me how to help YOU mitigate Mommy Session Stress - or this one where we share some basic planning tips & FAQs for your session.

Indianapolis Photographer, Weddings, Families, Newborns

x.o. -c

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